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Month: September 2016

  • Squared Away

    Anlam: birşeyi başarılı bir şekilde tamamlama, bitirme Don’t you worry, she’ll get things squared away. They will join us after they has squared away the other parts.

  • Velocity

    Speed used to be measured by miles or kilometers per hour, at least by the common people. In contemporary existence, bauds or bytes per second takes their place in order to tell about the measurement of speed.

  • Telepresence

    Telepresence is a real time experience that stamps out the distance. What is called telepresence is a combination of  dialogic experience of telephony and the unidirectional reception of television messages. It is an individualised bi-directional experience. According to the William A. Shay Telepresence is a concept of projecting one’s senses to the remote location. The basic idea…

  • Synthetic Reality

    Virtual reality combines the ideas of tangible corporeality  and intangible representation. By synthetic reality the intangible representation also becomes kind of sensible.   According to Flow theory, to be able to in the flow state that characterised by a distorted perception of time and host pleasurable sensations, the challenge you undertake should be almost equal to…

  • Analog to Digital

    “Signal” is a varying wave over time. The waves travel through the air, ultimately pushing on the sensors recreate the signal. The signal goes from one medium to the next, keeping its basic curvy shape. When the signal digitalised it is easy the manipulate it.

  • Ip Adress

    To be on the internet, a computer needs an IP address. Every computer on the internet has an IP address. IP addr is exactly 4 bytes (4 1-byte numbers) Left part encodes “neighborhood” on internet.

  • Wi-Fi

    Although Wi Fi surround the enviroments as a energy field, it’s not visible to a eye. It is shared radio channel and each computer listen the channel. Cell phones,televisions and radios also do use the radio waves. However their (the waves) unique height, power (amplitude), distance from each other, and their travelling speed give them a…

  • Disk

    Persistent Storage stores bytes as a magnetic pattern on a spinning disk. It preserves bytes even when not powered. A flash drive is faster and uses less power than a hard disk.

  • Ram

    Random Access Memory RAM is a Temporary, working storage for bytes.  When power goes out, RAM’s state is gone. Ram store both data, which  is just the passive information, and code that defines the active plan followed by the computer.